Creating a network link to the Mapping Yes data

You can if you wish avoid having to download the updated KMZ file each time you want to view the latest data.

To do this you need to create a Network Link, which is surpringly simple once you know the correct URL to use.

Open Google Earth.
Highlight 'My Places' in the left hand navigation bar.
Right click on 'My Places'
Select 'Add'
Select 'Network Link'

Then, give your Network Link a name that you can identify easily.

And in the box marked 'Link' paste this url for the main Mapping Yes data file.

The click OK at the bottom of that window. And that's it. You will now get the updated data every time you launch Google Earth. 

The URL you'd need for the large Offshore Energy file is.

Just remember that this is a large file and may take some time to load from the remote server.